Last spring, Battle Creek Public Schools started a strategic planning process. A strategic planning team of 31 people was formed which included community members, parents, staff, students, administrators, and board members. Three consecutive evening meetings were held during the month of March. During these meetings, the strategic planning team reviewed all aspects of the district - budget, facilities, curriculum, demographics, enrollment, course offerings, academic achievement & goals, activities & clubs, etc. This review gave team members a clear picture of the district's current reality. Following the review of our current reality, the team engaged in a step by step process of identifying district strengths and areas of improvement. Great conversations took place during the strategic planning process. As a result, three goals were recommended by the team:
GOAL 1: (31 Recommendations)
By 2023, the Battle Creek Public Schools will expand and renovate the elementary school facility to support a minimum of two classrooms per grade level, Pre-Kindergarten through grade 6.
GOAL 2: (27 Recommendations)
By the 2019-20 school year, Battle Creek Public Schools will be a School of Choice for area students.
GOAL 3: (26 Recommendations)
By the Fall of 2020, the Battle Creek Public Schools will develop and implement (reorganize, re-invent, or innovate) a student participation policy to allow students to have an informed voice in the functioning of the schools.
These three goals were approved by the Battle Creek Board of Education at their April, 2019 board meeting. Upon approval, action planning teams were formed to develop and identify the necessary steps to follow to achieve these goals, which we refer to as action plans. Our action plans will be reviewed by the school board at their September, 2019 meeting. These action plans will be shared with the public in the next strategic planning update upon board approval on September 9.