
MINUTES                         BOARD OF EDUCATION REPORT                      SEPTEMBER 11, 2023

President Jeremy Pochop called the Annual Budget Hearing to order on Monday, September 11th at 5:30 P.M. to review and discuss the 2023-24 fiscal year budget for Battle Creek Public Schools.  This hearing was advertised in the August 30th edition of the Battle Creek Enterprise.  Members present were Toby Thompson, Paul Kuchar, Tammy Bierman and Tom Leathers.  Sean Lindgren was absent.  Also present were Superintendent Jake Luhr and a visitor.  Superintendent Jake Luhr presented an overview of the 2023-24 budget.  No comments were made by the public.

President Jeremy Pochop called the Special Tax Request Hearing to order on Monday, September 11th at 5:45 P.M. to review and discuss the proposed tax requests for the 2023-24 fiscal year.  This hearing was advertised in the August 30th edition of the Battle Creek Enterprise.  Members present were Toby Thompson, Paul Kuchar, Tammy Bierman and Tom Leathers.  Sean Lindgren was absent. Also present were Superintendent Jake Luhr and a visitor.  Superintendent Jake Luhr presented an overview of the dollars that are being requested for the school’s general fund, bond fund and special building fund.  No comments were made by the public.

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on September 11th.  This meeting was advertised in the August 30th edition of the Battle Creek Enterprise.  President Jeremy Pochop called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.   Members present were Toby Thompson, Tammy Bierman, Paul Kuchar, and Tom Leathers.  Sean Lindgren was absent.  Also, present were Superintendent Jake Luhr and Principals Jeff Heimes and Curtis Childers, 1 senior, and a visitor.  The new open meeting law poster was discussed and posted and will be followed at every Board meeting.  To start the Board meeting, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, which included the September general fund bills that totaled $83,162.00 and a Depreciation Fund bill for $62,873.80.  Tom Leathers seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with five ayes. 

Mr. Luhr updated the Board on the construction project at the elementary and the high school and advised them that the project is over 50% completed. 

Tammy Bierman made a motion to approve the proposed 2023-24 budget for Madison County School District #5, Battle Creek Public Schools, as published in the August 30th edition of the Battle Creek Enterprise, which includes the General Fund budget of $8,850,000.00; the Depreciation Fund budget of $915,819.00; the Employee Benefit Fund budget of $70,000.00; the Activities Fund budget of $400,000.00; the School Nutrition Fund budget of $589,300.00; the Bond Fund budget of $1,000,000.00; the Special Building Fund budget of $5,704,655.00; and the Student Fee Fund budget of $54,772.00.  Toby Thompson seconded the motion.  On roll call vote the motion carried with five ayes.

President Jeremy Pochop read the Property Tax Request Resolution No. 2324.  Paul Kuchar made a motion to approve the 2023-24 Tax Request Resolution No. 2324 for the General Fund in the amount of $5,050,505.00, the Bond Fund in the amount of $792,929.00, and the Special Building Fund in the amount of $208,878.00.   Tom Leathers seconded the motion.  On roll call vote the motion carried with five ayes.

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board two Building Fund invoices from Hausmann Construction.  One invoice was in the amount of $847,301.40 for construction services rendered through August 31st, and the second invoice was in the amount of $230,193.85 for half the retainage fee.   Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the Building Fund invoices from Hausmann Construction for $847,301.40 and $230,193.85.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with five ayes.

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board a Building Fund invoice from Mid-State Engineering & Testing in the amount of $2,038.50 for construction testing services through July 31st.   Tom Leathers made a motion to approve the Building Fund invoice from Mid-State Engineering & Testing for $2,038.50.  Toby Thompson seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with five ayes.

Mr. Luhr advised the Board that the invoice for NASB Alicap Workman’s Compensation Insurance Policy in the amount of $19,639.00.  This included a 0.75 experience modifier which meant that our workplace safety is really good.  No board action was taken as the payment was previously approved in the September claims.

Tammy Bierman made a motion to approve the resignation of Mike Couch, shop teacher, effective at the end of the 2023-24 school year with regrets and appreciation for his 16 years of service to Battle Creek Public Schools.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with five ayes. 

Comments were heard from the Board, Principals, and Superintendent.

With no further business, Board President Jeremy Pochop adjourned the meeting at 6:40 P.M.

Submitted by,

Jake Luhr, Secretary Board of Education