Monday, January 27, 2025
Check EVENTS calendar!
Juniors- if you are interested in learning more about applying to become a Cornhusker Boys/Girls State candidate please check your email.
Seniors- if you are interested in touring any of the Nucor facilities and learning about the different career opportunities, please check your email. You must be 18 by March or April.
The NECC rep will be here tomorrow at 11:00 to meet with any interested juniors and seniors. We will meet in Mr. Weidner’s room.
Congratulations to the Braves wrestling team for winning the Mid State Conference Championship this weekend. This is their 7th championship in the past 10 years. Champions on the day were Ayden Wintz, Ryan Stusse Jr, and Hudson Last. Runners-up were Ryan Hoehne, Tyan Thompson, Hunter Kruse, Brek Thompson, Dahkota Zlomke, and Connor Heiderman.
There is a poster in the commons for upcoming basketball themes; go take a look and don't miss out!
Read Wednesday and Thursday
1st Lunch: Lexi M, Barrett K, Taylor O
2nd Lunch: Kason K, Brody M, Asher C
Lunch: Mr. Rib