The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on October 14th. This meeting was advertised in the October 9th edition of the Battle Creek Enterprise. President Jeremy Pochop called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Members present were Lori Mink, Toby Thompson, Tammy Bierman, Paul Kuchar, and Brent Bode. Also present were Superintendent Jake Luhr, Principal Jeff Heimes, Jacob Hurla, Joe Beckenhauer, BCEA representative, and a visitor. The open meeting law was discussed and posted, and will be followed at every Board meeting. To start the Board meeting, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, which included the October general fund bills which totaled $127,091.50. Paul Kuchar seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.
Jacob Hurla of Community Building Solutions, presented to the Board a final project handout which included final pricing for the HVAC and lighting project at both schools. The Board reviewed the handout and discussed where adjustments could be made to cut the cost of the project.
Joe Beckenhauer of Beckenhauer Construction, visited with the Board about their interest in becoming a consultant/program manager in creating more classroom space at the elementary school. The Board thanked him for his presentation and will take his interest under consideration as they move forward with the elementary improvement plans.
Mr. Luhr advised the Board that the school has spent $47,802.12 to improve the school technology infrastructure at both schools with E-Rate funds reimbursing the school in the amount of $28,377.90. This lowers the cost of the project to $19,424.22.
Mr. Luhr advised the Board that Bill Marx was the person responsible for grading the activities parking lot. The school is grateful to Bill for his time in doing this for the school.
Lori Mink made a motion to accept the final proposal from Community Building Solutions with four line item adjustments made to the final proposal. The four line item adjustments were to take out all split system HVAC replacements(2 separate line items), remove the installation of occupancy sensors(1 line item), and take out the activities center lighting replacements(1 line item). The facilities committee will schedule a November or December meeting to finalize the implementation plan for HVAC & Lighting replacements & improvements. Paul Kuchar seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.
Brent Bode made a motion to approve and recognize the BCEA as the exclusive bargaining agent for the school districts non-supervisory certified staff for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years. Toby Thompson seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.
Mr. Luhr advised the Board that the football scoreboard is currently not working. We are currently using a portable scoreboard. Mr. Luhr and Mr. Wintz have met with Daktronics to see about replacing all the scoreboards at the school through funds from marketing and advertising sponsorship. More to come at a later time.
Lori Mink made a motion to deny the option request of Daymond Jose Segura, 10th grader, for the 2019-20 school year. This request was based on an incomplete form and inaccurate information on the form. Toby Thompson seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.
Lori Mink made a motion to approve the option request of McKinley Hanson, 9th grader, for the 2019-20 school year. This request was based on available room in the class at this time, and that McKinley had attended Battle Creek Public School prior to moving out of the district. Toby Thompson seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.
Paul Kuchar made a motion to approve the option request of Karlie Clinch, 10th grader, for the 2019-20 school year. This request was based on available room in the class at this time. Brent Bode seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.
Comments were heard from the Board, Principals, and Superintendent.
With no further business, Board President Jeremy Pochop adjourned the meeting at 7:45 P.M.
Submitted by,
Jake Luhr, Secretary Board of Education