
Happy Friday everyone!

After 26 years in education, I have seen a number of educational fads come and go.  Most of these educational fads are marketed to educators for the sole purpose of making money.    However, the true purpose of education has always stood firm from all of this outside noise.  True education is not about molding individuals into mere followers or subjects of a predetermined ideology, nor is it about imposing rigid beliefs or narrow viewpoints. Education is a transformative process that seeks to awaken the unique potential within each person, encouraging them to explore their passions, strengths, and talents. At its core, education is inspiration.  Inspiring individuals to challenge limitations—whether self-imposed or external—and to strive for goals that once may have seemed out of reach. By fostering critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence, education empowers individuals not just to absorb information, but to question, innovate, and grow. In doing so, it helps our kids discover their passions and their purpose.  Education cultivates resilience and self-reliance. True education provides a pathway for students to become the best version of themselves—capable of achieving excellence on their own terms.  

Happy Friday!!