
MINUTES                               BOARD OF EDUCATION REPORT                  JANUARY 13, 2025

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on January 13th.  This meeting was advertised in the January 8th edition of the Battle Creek Enterprise.  President Jeremy Pochop called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.   Members present were Tammy Bierman, Tom Leathers, Toby Thompson, Bo Brummels and Paul Kuchar. Also present were Superintendent Jake Luhr, Principals Jeff Heimes and Curtis Childers, staff members Samantha Arlt and Rachel Zohner, one visitor and two seniors. The new open meeting law poster was discussed and posted and will be followed at every Board meeting.  To start the Board meeting, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Newly elected board member, Bo Brummels, recited the oath of office to officially become a new member of the school board. 

Mr. Luhr, Secretary of the Board of Education, assumed the chair from President Jeremy Pochop for the purpose of presiding during the election of the Board president. Secretary Jake Luhr then asked for nominations for Board president. Toby Thompson made a motion to nominate Jeremy Pochop for Board president. There were no other nominations. Paul Kuchar seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with five ayes. Jeremy Pochop abstained. 

President Jeremy Pochop then assumed the chair from Secretary Jake Luhr and asked for nominations for vice president. Tom Leathers made a motion to nominate Tammy Bierman for vice president. There were no other nominations. Paul Kuchar seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion carried with five ayes. Tammy Bierman abstained. 

The following Board positions were appointed

Secretary – Jake Luhr
Treasurer – Jean Unkel
Recording Secretary – Abbie Freudenburg, Childers/Heimes (Alternates)
Attorney – Perry, Guthery, Haase & Gessford, P.C., L.L.O.
Newspaper - Battle Creek Enterprise, Norfolk Daily News (Secondary)
Depository – Battle Creek State Bank
Committee on American Civics – Leathers, Bierman, Kuchar
Building & Grounds Committee – Bierman, Thompson, Brummels
Finance Committee – Pochop, Kuchar, Leathers Negotiations Committee – Pochop, Kuchar, Leathers

Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the appointed positions. Tammy Bierman seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Paul Kuchar made a motion to approve all existing board policies Sections 1000 through 9000. Toby Thompson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes. 

Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, which included the January general fund bills that totaled $89,442.24. Tammy Bierman seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes. 

Rachel and Caleb Zohner visited with the Board about their interest in starting a Fellowship for Christian Athletes chapter at BCHS.  

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board the Internal Board Policies which included Policy 8110 - Purpose and Role of the Board, Policy 8120 - Duties and Functions of the Board, Policy 8272 - Code of Ethics, Policy 8300 - Methods of Operation, Policy 9010 - Limits of Authority, Policy 9127 - Individual Members. The board reviewed and discussed them. 

Mr. Luhr updated the Board on two bids for security cameras. Tammy Bierman made a motion to approve the use of Depreciation Funds for Heartland Communications to replace/add security cameras at the high school and the use of Building Funds to install new security cameras at the elementary. Bo Brummels seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Mr. Luhr informed the Board that he is waiting on additional information for the replacement of phone systems in both buildings. Mr. Luhr will present all of the information to the Board at the February meeting. 

Mr. Luhr presented a final Building Fund invoice from CWP Architects for $19,027.87. Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the use of Building Funds to pay the final invoice from CWP Architects for $19,027.87.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes. 

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board a request to use REAP grant funds to purchase interactive promethean boards for grades PreK-2 in the elementary school. Tammy Bierman made a motion to approve the use of REAP grant funds to purchase interactive promethean boards for PreK-2 elementary classrooms. Toby Thompson seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes. 

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board information on Classwize, an internet safety filter. The cost for a three year subscription is $9,716.00. Our current three year subscription with Goguardian has expired. Paul Kuchar made a motion to approve the three year subscription with Classwize for $9,716.00. Bo Brummels seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes. 

Mr. Luhr discussed with the Board a need for more space for championship boards in the gym.  The most viable option would be selling the existing championship boards and replacing them with new banners. Mr. Luhr suggested selling the existing boards first to see how much the sales will offset the cost of purchasing the new banners. Bo Brummels made a motion to approve the sale of existing championship boards. Toby Thompson seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board information on the cost to replace the computer and software for our golf simulator. Tammy Bierman made a motion to approve the payment of $6,046.21 to replace the computer and software on the golf simulator. Bo Brummels seconded the motion. On roll call vote, motion carried with five ayes. Toby Thompson abstained. 

Principal’s Salaries for 2025-26 was moved to the February meeting.

Superintendent Salary for 2025-26 was moved to the February meeting. 

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board Policy updates for Policy 6700 and 8342. Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the updates to Board Policy 6700 and Board Policy 8342. Paul Kuchar seconded the motion. On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes. 

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board information on Policy 6701. The Board reviewed and discussed this policy. No action was taken. 

Comments were heard from the Principals and Superintendent.

With no further business, Board President Jeremy Pochop adjourned the meeting at 7:17 P.M.

Submitted by,

Jake Luhr, Secretary Board of Education