
General Health Guidelines for the 2020-2021 School Year

General health guidelines have been updated as of 9.30.2020.  These new guidelines have been developed by a collaborative effort among all health departments throughout Nebraska.    

Before coming to school/getting on the bus:

  • Parents/guardians should perform a general health check of their child(ren) which should include a temperature check.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD(REN) TO SCHOOL OR ALLOW THEM TO GET ON THE BUS IF THEY ARE ILL.

  • NEW FLOW CHART The biggest change is in the type of symptoms that require staff or students to stay home for 10 days or be diagnosed with something other than COVID.  

During the School Day: What if someone gets sick?  

  • Social distancing, hand washing/sanitizing will occur regularly. Hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed in every classroom in both buildings.   

  •  If a student develops symptoms while at school, that student will be isolated from others until he or she can be picked up by a parent or guardian.  The isolated student will be required to wear a mask until he/she leaves the school building.  According to the current recommendations of ELVPHD, any student who has symptoms  should follow the recommendations found on the FLOW CHART from ELVPHD.

Should I have my student wear a mask?

  • MASKS - Students and staff are expected to wear masks when it is not possible to maintain social distance.  ELVPHD will use the following criteria when investigating possible close contact exposure:  ELVPHD Investigations.  People who choose to wear a mask at school will reduce their risk of being quarantined for 14 days if someone in their classroom tests positive for COVID-19.  BCPS has washable cloth face masks available to students.

NSAA Post Season Guidelines

  • Click on NSAA POST SEASON GUIDELINES to view.  The Mid-State Conference will be following these guidelines for all fall conference tournaments.  

Thank you,

Jake Luhr, Superintendent - Battle Creek Public Schools  

BCPS…”The School of Choice” & “Committed to Excellence”