In March of 2021, Battle Creek Public Schools hosted an external visitation team for accreditation from Cognia, formerly known as AdvancEd. Accredited schools are required to have an official visit and review every five years. A couple of months after the visit, we received our Accreditation Engagement Review(AER). The AER includes a narrative outlining the district's effectiveness in three domains, Leadership Capacity, Learning Capacity, and Resource Capacity. BCPS scored very well in all three of these domains. In addition to this important feedback, the AER also provides an Index of Education Quality(IEQ) score which is a holistic measure of the school's overall performance based on a comprehensive set of standards and review criteria. Battle Creek Public Schools' IEQ score was 354.50! The five year average(range) IEQ for all Cognia schools is 278.34(low average) to 283.33(high average). Battle Creek Public Schools was 69.17 points higher than the high average. This is definitely newsworthy and worth celebrating. BCPS has been contacted by Shannon Vogler, Nebraska's Cognia representative, and has been asked to be a showcase school for excellence and having an embedded culture of continuous improvement. The results of our external visitation further solidifies our commitment to excellence and is a direct result of having a growth mindset and relentless effort for continuous improvement. When you combine great students, great staff, and great families with outstanding community support you get the school of choice.

BCPS Receives High Praise and High Marks on External Visit
May 25, 2021