Friday, August 20th, 2021


Friday, August 20th Booster Club Kickoff at 6:00pm


Battle Creek Public Schools will be in the Summer Fest Parade this Saturday.  Students interested in handing out candy and representing our school please report to BC Builders at 7:15 on Saturday.  Parade starts at 7:30.

Juniors and Seniors who are taking a NECC dual-credit class, your tuition payment is due.  If you are applying for the ACE Scholarship your parent must complete a free/reduced lunch form that you can get in the office. See Mrs. Thompson if you have any questions.

Activity fees, chromebook fees, and admission fees are due. Contact the office with any questions. Online forms are due.  

There will be a High School Student Council meeting Thursday morning.  Student Council will meet in Mr. Schmidt’s room at 7:30.  We will recycle after the meeting.  Any high school students interested in Student Council should plan to attend.  If you are not able to make the meeting, please contact either Mr. Schmidt or Mrs. Borchers

Any Junior High students interested in signing up for FFA please come see Mr. O’Brien by Thursday.

Please turn in your sports physical if you have not done so already. 

Reminder: Freshman through Seniors must have 10 community service hours completed by the end of the school year. 

Freshmen, please pay your $6 in class dues this week.  Bring your money to Mrs. Kern, please.

To anyone interested in one-acts this year, there will be a brief meeting immediately after school on Thursday in Mrs. Anderson’s room. If you are at all interested in acting in or helping out with our one-act, please plan to attend. See Mrs. Anderson if you have any questions.

Lunch Helpers:: 

1st Lunch: Israel Baier, Tiegan Bowers, Devin Baumann

2nd Lunch: Jacob Anderson, Luke Beckman

Lunch: Hot Dogs