This time of year, I frequently dream of warm days and spring fishing. I often remember the fish caught before old man winter set in and start planning for spring fishing trips. I realize that I am addicted to pursuing fish with no desire to curb my addiction(regardless of my wife's wishes). Fishermen/women and educators have many similarities. We have very little control over what kinds of fish we catch. We enjoy what we are doing even if we don't catch anything at times. We find enjoyment when other people catch fish. We try a variety of lures, baits, equipment, and techniques to find success. We enjoy fishing in groups, with a single partner, or by ourselves. As educators, we take ALL students. We enjoy working with students even if we are not getting the results we would like. We have an arsenal of tools and strategies to "hook" our students. We collaborate, create a dynamic duo, and sometimes fly solo. It is easy to find similarities between personal and professional activities when there is passion involved. Passion fuels our desire to keep coming back and giving great effort time after time. Our personal passion can fuel our professional passion and vice versa. Bring on Spring - my personal passion needs some re-fueling!

Luhr's Lingo 2.22.19
February 27, 2019