Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Tuesday, January 31 Girls Conference Basketball in Crofton 6:00.
Tuesday, January 31 Quiz Bowl at 9:30am.
Tuesday, January 31 Junior High Boys Basketball in O’Neill at 6:00.
Wednesday, February 1 Boys Conference Basketball at Pierce 6:00.
Thursday, February 2 Girls Conference Basketball TBA.
Thursday, February 2 Boys Conference Basketball TBA.
Friday/Saturday February 3&4 Girls Varsity Wrestling Districts in Madison.
Friday, February 3 Conference Basketball TBA.
Saturday, February 4 Speech at Wayne.
Saturday, February 4 Junior High Boys Basketball in Battle Creek 9:00am.
Saturday, February 4 Freshman B/G Basketball at LHNE 10:00am.
Saturday, February 4 Wrestling State Duals in Kearney.
The Student Council will have their monthly meeting Thursday morning at 7:40 AM. Recycling will still be during home room.
Juniors- if you are interested in applying for the great opportunity to attend Girls & Boys State in June- see Mrs. Thompson today.
Secondary students and staff with January and July birthdays–today is the last day for you to claim your birthday duck from the library and get signed up for the monthly birthday prize.
Students, get your yearbooks in January while they are available at a discounted rate. They are available for purchase at Current cost is $40, but they return to the price of $50 starting February 1.
Lunch Helpers::
1st Lunch: James Wells, Lacey Kuchar, Colten Melcher
2nd Lunch: Lunch: Jaycee Klein, Brittany Borchers, Trent Uhlir
Lunch: Hot Ham & Cheese