TK is the first to complete the Timberlake pole climb at the Battle Creek Senior Blaze Day.
Reminder of the Athletic Banquet Friday, April 30th at 6:00pm. Sports physical forms will be available for pick up.
@reneebrummels is the first to complete the zip line at the Battle Creek senior blaze day.
Junior High Track in Pierce 12:00:
Girls DISCUS followed by Boys
Boys SHOT PUT followed by Girls
Boys LONG JUMP followed by Boys Triple jump
Girls LONG JUMP followed by Girls Triple Jump
Boys HIGH JUMP followed by Girls
Girls POLE VAULT followed by Boys
**Approximately 1:30
100 meter hurdles
100 meter dash
1600 meter run
400 meter relay
400 meter dash
800 meter run
195 meter hurdles
200 meter dash
1600 meter relay
You're Invited! Mattress Fundraiser THIS weekend!
Battle Creek Senior Blaze Day is tomorrow (Monday). Meet at the high school at 7:15AM and the bus leaves at 7:30 sharp. Bring your sunscreen, lunch, and $8.00. We have a great day planned for you.
The CHAMPS are here! Congrats to the 8th grade boys and girls track teams for being crowned Mid-State Conference CHAMPS!! 👑 Way to compete and represent Battle Creek with pride!
Conference boys golf results from today! Team Runner-Up with two medalists in Garrett Finke and Payton Frederick.
Junior High Conference Track at Norfolk Catholic:
9:00 am start
Shot Put girls followed by boys
Discuss girls followed by boys
Long Jump-7th grade followed by 8th grade
Triple Jump-7th grade followed by 8th grade
High Jump-8th boys/7th boys/8th girls/7th girls
Pole Vault-7th boys/8th boys/7th girls/8th girls
*All running events will be 7th girls-8th girls-7th boys-8th boys
100m hurdle finals
100m finals
1600m finals
4x1 relay
400m finals
195m hurdle finals
800m hurdle finals
200m finals
4x4 relay
First Grade and 6th grade celebrated Earth Day today by cleaning a portion of the park. We ❤️ our planet!
These are a few of the choir’s duets/small groups. Great singing everyone!
Congratulations to the high school band AND choir on receiving Superior ratings at district music!
Thank you Midwest Health Partners of Norfolk for partnering with Battle Creek Public Schools and our work-based learning program. A special thank you to Jen Weinandt for sharing your knowledge and expertise with our senior student.
Thank you Brent Bode and the Heating Connection of Norfolk for providing this senior an opportunity to learn your trade through the Battle Creek work-based learning program.
Thanks to I&M construction of Norfolk for patterning with Battle Creek Public Schools and our work-based learning program to provide a great opportunity for this senior.
Congratulations to the Battle Creek High School Choir on your performance at District Music today. Well done students and Miss John’s.
Great performance by our BC High School band at District Music. Great work Mrs. Lade!
Wonderful job at your concert last night grades PK-3! Pictured are Kindergarten-3rd grade.
Battle Creek Music Department is ready for District Music Contest! Thanks to NPS for hosting!
West Holt Invite Schedule:
2:00 Start Time
Shot Put girls followed by boys
Discus boys followed by girls
Pole Vault boys followed by girls
High Jump girls followed by boys
Long Jump boys followed by girls
Triple Jump girls followed by boys
Approximately 4:00
3200m relay
100m hurdles girls
110m hurdles boys
100m dash prelims
400m dash
3200m run
200m dash prelims
100m hurdles girls
110m hurdles boys
100m dash
800m run
300m hurdles
200m dash
1600m run
400m relay
400m freshman relay
400m weight person relay
1600m relay