Just a reminder that the BC JH Wrestling online store closes down on Monday 11/2/20 at 10 AM: https://nebraskascreenprinting.com/product-category/team-apparel/battle-creek/bc-jh-wrestling/
Any orders after 10 AM will have a $15.00 late fee
Battle Creek’s Work-Based Learning program is providing great opportunities for these fine BC seniors who are enrolled in the NECC CNA Class. Thank you Northeast Community College for your partnership.
Tonight's Football Game will be on News Channel Nebraska at 6:15pm!
The link for tonight's football game Stream
Congratulations to the Battle Creek Music Department on your concert tonight . Great work Mrs. Lade, Ms. Johns and our awesome students.
ELVPHD Risk Dial Update: Week ended 10-26-20 for Madison County = 2.63 Orange. BCPS will continue to operate as we have with masks required, socially distancing as much as possible, and washing/sanitizing hands.
Bravettes are defeated by a. very good Wayne team 25-19 in set three.
Wayne leads the Bravettes in set three 17-12
Bravettes drop set two 25-22. Wayne lead 2-0
Bravettes lead set two 10-8 over Wayne.
Wayne win set one 25-23 over the Bravettes
Bravettes 19 Wayne 22 set one.
Link for tonight's VB game stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDsa6gJxs_f2sKmdQawGoIQ/videos
It's their maiden voyage with this so they are hoping it works!
The Volleyball game tonight will be on the Wayne Radio Sation 104.9 or http://waynedailynews.com/. The game will also be streaming on the Wayne Nebraska Bluedevils youtube page, starting at 6:15pm.
BCPS SCHOOL CALENDAR CHANGE: We will have a teacher workday/professional development day on Friday, November 13, 2020. No school for students PK-12 on Friday, November 13, 2020.
Reminder that the State Football Playoffs orders close Tuesday October 27th at Noon. https://nebraskascreenprinting.com/product-category/team-apparel/battle-creek-state-football/
Bravettes win set four 25-23 and win the match 3-1
Bravettes win set three 25-18 and lead match 2-1
Bravettes win set two 25-21.
Bravettes 22 Pierce 19 set two
Bravettes 15 Pierce 12 in set two.