Just a reminder that the BC JH Wrestling online store closes down on Monday 11/2/20 at 10 AM: https://nebraskascreenprinting.com/product-category/team-apparel/battle-creek/bc-jh-wrestling/ Any orders after 10 AM will have a $15.00 late fee
about 4 years ago, Emily Thompson
Battle Creek’s Work-Based Learning program is providing great opportunities for these fine BC seniors who are enrolled in the NECC CNA Class. Thank you Northeast Community College for your partnership.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Tonight's Football Game will be on News Channel Nebraska at 6:15pm! The link for tonight's football game Stream https://striv.tv/channel/auburn/
about 4 years ago, Emily Thompson
Congratulations to the Battle Creek Music Department on your concert tonight . Great work Mrs. Lade, Ms. Johns and our awesome students.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
ELVPHD Risk Dial Update: Week ended 10-26-20 for Madison County = 2.63 Orange. BCPS will continue to operate as we have with masks required, socially distancing as much as possible, and washing/sanitizing hands.
about 4 years ago, Jake Luhr
Bravettes are defeated by a. very good Wayne team 25-19 in set three.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Wayne leads the Bravettes in set three 17-12
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Bravettes drop set two 25-22. Wayne lead 2-0
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Bravettes lead set two 10-8 over Wayne.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Wayne win set one 25-23 over the Bravettes
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Bravettes 19 Wayne 22 set one.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Link for tonight's VB game stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDsa6gJxs_f2sKmdQawGoIQ/videos It's their maiden voyage with this so they are hoping it works!
about 4 years ago, Cody Wintz
The Volleyball game tonight will be on the Wayne Radio Sation 104.9 or http://waynedailynews.com/. The game will also be streaming on the Wayne Nebraska Bluedevils youtube page, starting at 6:15pm.
about 4 years ago, Emily Thompson
BCPS SCHOOL CALENDAR CHANGE: We will have a teacher workday/professional development day on Friday, November 13, 2020. No school for students PK-12 on Friday, November 13, 2020.
about 4 years ago, Jake Luhr
Reminder that the State Football Playoffs orders close Tuesday October 27th at Noon. https://nebraskascreenprinting.com/product-category/team-apparel/battle-creek-state-football/
about 4 years ago, Emily Thompson
Bravettes win set four 25-23 and win the match 3-1
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Bravettes win set three 25-18 and lead match 2-1
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Bravettes win set two 25-21.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Bravettes 22 Pierce 19 set two
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Bravettes 15 Pierce 12 in set two.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Heimes