Congratulations Gavin!!!
almost 5 years ago, Emily Thompson
Congratulations Kolby!!!
almost 5 years ago, Emily Thompson
Congratulations Lydia!!!
almost 5 years ago, Emily Thompson
Congratulations Riley!!!
almost 5 years ago, Emily Thompson
Congratulations Britney!!
almost 5 years ago, Emily Thompson
Congratulations Colby!!!
almost 5 years ago, Emily Thompson
Box Tops for Education accepts receipts from ONLINE grocery shopping!
almost 5 years ago, Laura Johns
box tops
Congratulations Zoe!
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Battle Creek Public Schools Foundation awarded 28 scholarships for a total of $17,800 to the 2020 Senior graduating class.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Battle Creek Seniors, the BC Foundation Scholarship recipients will be announced soon. Stay tuned in here to see the winners.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Attention Battle Creek Sophomores and Juniors. You have received an email regarding the trail blazer application for next year. Applications are due Friday April 17th
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heimes
March Art Students of the Month: Dane Kilday(8th grade) Mya Zohner (Art 1) Paytyn Taake (Art 1)
almost 5 years ago, Steph Nelson
Paytyn Taake
Mya Zohner
Dane ‘s Chalk Art
The Battle Creek High School Jr/Sr Prom 2020...King and Queen will be announced Friday, April 17th at 7:00 PM. Please stay tuned for more information.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Congratulations to the following students for earning NCPA Academic All-State through the NSAA. Wrestling: Owen Lade; Afftynn Stusse Girls BB: Bailey Hurlburt; Riley Seifert Boys BB: Kolby Heller; Dylan Mettler Speech: Vaughn Finkral; Stacey Frisch
almost 5 years ago, Cody Wintz
Live music for kids Saturday 12:00 noon with Chris Couch . On Facebook either Chris Couch Music or Pajama Jam
almost 5 years ago, Mike Couch
Keep the entries coming BC students! Sunshine will be back next week, I will extend the contest for an additional week so you have some better weather days.
almost 5 years ago, Steph Nelson
Alli P.
Zoey R
Ben W.
Zoey R
Elementary Students are reading books and using Accelerated Reader at home. BCPS elementary has many students reading and reaching high goals. This weeks award winners are listed below. Let's cheer them on! Congratulations and a big shout out to: New Million Word Club Members 4th Grade- Avery Beckenhauer 5th Grade- Lacey Kuchar 5th Grade- Brileigh Farmer Two Million Word Club Member 5th Grade- Joshua Tannehill 6th Grade- Isaac Rudloff
almost 5 years ago, Ruth Becker
BC just trying to do its part in helping equip the health care professionals who are at the front lines during this battle! #Nucor #CreationStation
almost 5 years ago, Seth Montag
Hospital Mask
3D printer creating the band for the mask
Mask Bands
The deadline to get your BCHS yearbook is fast approaching. If you are still needing to purchase, go to and find Battle Creek High School. (Make sure you select Nebraska!) The site is very user-friendly. Deadline for namestamps is end of April.
almost 5 years ago, Angela Gray
Attention Battle Creek Junior Class. We will have a zoom meeting Wednesday April 1st at 11:00am. It is time to schedule classes for your senior year. Dual credit registration, work based learning, and Friday’s at NECC information.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heimes