Great day of helping with field events, hurdles and concessions at the Battle Creek Junior High Track Invitational. Thanks to the lunch program for providing us with a sack lunch for the day!
over 5 years ago, Jodi Borchers
Jr. High Track Help For The Day
Boys Golf @ Albion Inv. 1st round scores Heimes 39 McCracken 40 Stueve 43 Frederick 44 Tegeler 46 @BCBraves
over 5 years ago, Jeff Heimes
We are excited to announce that assistant coach Mark Keith has accepted the head girls basketball coaching position at BC!! He is very excited! 🏀
over 5 years ago, Cody Wintz
Congratulations to @shelby_obst and @RachSchlote for being selected to participate in the Northeast NE All-Star game in June!! An awesome honor for these 2 young ladies! 🏐🏐💜💜
over 5 years ago, Cody Wintz
Mrs. Seifert's fourth graders headed to Lincoln and visited Memorial Stadium, Morrill Hall, and the Capitol building. Seeing UNL football players, "Archie" the mammoth, and inside the legislature chambers were just a few highlights. @KSeif6
over 5 years ago, Kari Seifert
We knew all the answers!
Tom is our hero!
Best of Show🎨
over 5 years ago, Steph Nelson
Congratulations to Kylee McLean for earning top honors at the esu8 Art Show. Best of Show for her colored pencil “Rocks” drawing.
The BC track teams will now be participating in Atkinson on Thursday April 18th. This meet replaces the cancelled meet from last week. The meet begins at 2:00 p.m. Information is included under Documents.
over 5 years ago, Cody Wintz
2019 Dancer of the Year Brynn Hamer!! Congratulations! 💜
over 5 years ago, Kim Easland
Dancer of the Year
Reminder of the Speech & Drama Awards Night/Potluck tomorrow evening at 6:30. All one-act cast & crew and Speech members will be recognized. We would love to see all students and their families.
over 5 years ago, LeAnn Frauendorfer
Jazz band bringing it! Last performance of our day.
over 5 years ago, Laura Johns
Very proud of our choir and their performance!
over 5 years ago, Laura Johns
Chorus did a great job at District Music Contest!
over 5 years ago, Jake Luhr
District Music Results for choir small groups/solos. 1- Superior, 2- Excellent.
over 5 years ago, Laura Johns
Battle Creek Public Schools Bus routes will run on paved roads for PM routes today - April 12, 2019.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Heimes
BC Junior High Speech competitors are dressed for success as they head to the Norfolk Jr. High Speech Meet today! 🎭
over 5 years ago, LeAnn Frauendorfer
Jr. High Speech Competitors
Battle Creek Concert Band is ready to perform!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Mrs. Lade and the BC Concert Band
Golf meet for Saturday at Albion has been postponed to Tuesday at 10:00 am.
over 5 years ago, Cody Wintz
Battle Creek Public School Bus Routes will run on paved roads only today April 11, 2019 and tomorrow morning April 12, 2019.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Heimes
Track for Friday at Central City has been cancelled.
over 5 years ago, Cody Wintz
Ty/Luke 73 1st Caydon/Gavin 78 2nd Payton/Gannon 87 6th Tait/Wylie 94 Barett/Garrett 101 Team Champions!
over 5 years ago, Cody Wintz