TeamMates of Battle Creek congratulates Heather Oltmanns as a member of the 24 Plus club

Southeast a Community College in Lincoln Bound!

University of South Dakota Bound!

Headed to UNL this fall!

NECC Bound!

Sports physical date has been set! Friday May 3rd from 2:30-4:30 Forms will be available in the HS office soon!

To see the schedule for the Northeast Nebraska Track and Field Classic go to this site: https://sites.google.com/npsne.org/nenclassic/meet-information/2019-meet-schedule

Athletic Banquet is Friday at 6:00 p.m. Everyone attending and planning to eat must sign up in HS office and get a ticket! Senior athletes eat free, 9-11 athletes are $5, and all parents and guests are $10. The meal is chicken fried steak catered by Goodies Grille.

Annual FCCLA Banquet

Conference champion Ty Heimes and volunteer assistant Thompson at Crofton today. Braves were Mid State Conference Runner-Up in an abbreviated 9-hole Championship

Garrett Finke getting some words of encouragement from coach Finke

You’re invited! Music Department Mattress Fundraiser this Saturday.

Late Thursday evening the Bravette tack team captured their 4th team title of the season at the West Holt Invitational. The team scored 99 points to outpace runner-up Ainsworth by 19 points. Gold medalist were Makenna Takke in the long and triple jumps and the 4x100 relay team of Shelby Obst, Patyn Taake, Madi Taake, and Makenna Taake. It was a great day to be a Bravette!!

Mrs. Seifert's fourth graders reflected on their field trip to Lincoln, practiced peer editing, and worked hard on their final drafts. #gettingreadyforfifthgrade

Tria McLean finishes 3rd in 800m

Zach Zohner 2nd place 110 hurdles

Rich Brauer 2nd in 200 prelims

BC golf team wins Lutheran High Invite with a team score of 341.
Gavin 88 13th
Luke 88 11th
Payton 86 7th
Caydon 84 4th
Ty 83 2nd

Front 9 scores at Norfolk Country Club
Ty 39, Payton 42, Luke 43, Caydon 44, Gavin 45

Creative 7th graders showing the meaning of reading class vocabulary words (revive; bleak & mourning).