Golf meet for Saturday at Albion has been postponed to Tuesday at 10:00 am.

Battle Creek Public School Bus Routes will run on paved roads only today April 11, 2019 and tomorrow morning April 12, 2019.

Track for Friday at Central City has been cancelled.

Ty/Luke 73 1st
Caydon/Gavin 78 2nd
Payton/Gannon 87 6th
Tait/Wylie 94
Barett/Garrett 101
Team Champions!

Caydon/Gavin 39

Payton/Gannon 41 on Front.

JH Track for tomorrow at Pierce has been postponed to Thursday April 25th.

Dr. Blayne McCaffery sharing his path to becoming a podiatrist with English IV students. What a unique and inspiring message to hear as we wrap up our Careers unit!

Fullerton 2-person Best Ball front nine scores: Ty/Luke 37, Wylie/Tait 46, Barett/Garrett 47

First place!! Congrats to Brandon and Curtis for winning First place at the USD Robotics Programming competition.

It’s a simple task—just program your robot to navigate a maze. Brandon and Curtis are up to the challenge at the USD programming competition in Vermillion.

It’s Boomwhacker time in the elementary music room!

Congratulations to Becca and Payton for receiving SILVER and Mikayla and Megan for receiving GOLD #nefccla @bc_fccla

@bc_fccla #mefccla

Ready for State FCCLA to start!

Bus full of JH band students off to the Norfolk JH Band contest !

BC Foundation Scholarship winners

Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
Thank you for your continued support of the annual book fair at Battle Creek Public Schools. We sold $4627.38 worth of books this year. We went $1100.00 over our goal. This means that we put approximately 588 books in the hands of students. In the elementary building we were able to purchase 308 additional books with our profit. That is approximately 900 books for children to enjoy and use to grow their imagination and knowledge. Thank you for making a commitment to your children/students and for nurturing the love of reading.
Mrs. Becker
Title I/Reading Recovery

A great morning of service learning at Orphan Grain Train in Norfolk. Many hands make light work and fun for those not participating at the Stanton track meet today. Way to represent BCHS!

The Battle Creek JH Track team started the season off right in Stanton! 8th girls were champs, 8th boys 2nd, 7th boys 3rd, and 7th girls 4th! It was a great day! #BCPride