JV girls won 32-28. JV boys won 34-20 over Humphrey LH
Link to the Boys and Girls basketball game in Humphrey
Braves and Bravettes both fall to solid Wayne squads tonight. They’ll be back in action tomorrow afternoon in Humphrey.
Bravettes trail Wayne 29-25 early Q3
Have you purchased your holiday pies from a BC junior yet? What a quick and easy way to support their efforts to raise money for prom! Contact Mrs, Frauendorfer at the high school for more info.
Girls JH Basketball: Saturday 12/5 start time is 9:00. 4 household members per player allowed to enter. Masks required and social distance. No concessions will be available. Schedule is B team followed by A team.
JH wrestling live stream link: http://www.eagleeyebroadcasting.com/
Friday JH Wrestling in O'Neill: 2 household members allowed per wrestler. Must be on the sign up sheet to be able to enter. Start time is 5:00.
Friday Basketball Game: JV Boys will play at the elementary. JV/V Girls & V Boys will play at the high school. 4 household members per player may attend. Masks required, social distance, and concessions will be available at the high school. See winter guidelines for more rules.
Best of luck to the One-Act cast, crew, and coaches today at the District contest!! They will be performing at 3:00 in Wausa. Break a leg!!
Art 3 & 4 Art Students are finishing up their BC Public Library Book Paintings. Zoey Reeves chose the book, “The Giver.”
Varsity Wrestling Triangular: Start time 6:00. 4 household members per wrestler will be allowed to enter. Masks are required for fans. Social distance. Concessions will be available. Go Braves!
Junior High Girls Basketball: Game on Thursday will be played in the elementary gym at 5:30.Schedule is B team followed by the A team. Wear a mask, social distance, 4 household members per player allowed, and no concessions.
Omaha World Herald All-State Volleyball
Honorable Mention winners
BriAnna Zohner
Paytyn Taake
Kaitlyn Pochop
Renee Brummels
Nice honor for these girls!!
Congratulations to these girls for being named to the Mid State All-Conference Volleyball Team!!
BriAnna Zohner
Paytyn Taake
Kaitlyn Pochop
Honorable Mention
Kenna Pochop
Renee Brummels
Great work girls!!
Concert Announcement
Today's JH BB schedule:
4:00 B team game, with an extra quarter following
5:15 A team game
Limit of 4 household members per player. Masks required.
Games at the High School and will be streamed on YouTube.
BC Wrestling orders close Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. This will not be extended so order now!!
Here is the link for BC Basketball online store, closing down next Wed, Nov. 25 at 10 AM
Here is the link for BC Basketball online store, closing down next Wed, Nov. 25 at 10 AM: