The Booster Club orders close on Monday at 10 AM
The Junior High Wrestling Team competed hard at the Plainview Invite, securing the team title. Individual medalists are as follows:
Ryan Stusse Jr.- 1st
Gavin Korth- 2nd
Ayden Wintz- 1st
Devin Hassler- 4th
Hudson Last- 2nd
Aden Pochop- 3rd
Conner Neuhalfen- 3rd
Casey Schnebel- 1st
Jaxon Hassler- 2nd
Brek Thompson- 1st
Gavin Olson- 2nd
Dahkota Zlomke- 1st
The deadline for ordering this year's Battle Creek one-act shirt has been extended to Wednesday, November 18th at 10 am.
BCPS Youtube Channel for livestream of events in Battle Creek:
Tonights JH BB games will be B team, followed by A team.
Household members only, with a limit of 4.
Games will be streamed on BCPS YouTube channel.
Huge shout-out to the juniors who presented their informative speeches this morning. They were FABULOUS! The bar has been set pretty high for those yet to present. Good work and THANK YOU for working so hard to prepare over the past couple of weeks!
Here is the link for the BC Wrestling Apparel! Orders close Wednesday, Nov. 25th at 10 AM
Reminder that tomorrow (Mon., Nov 16) starting at 8:30am, the Battle Creek 8th graders will be canvassing the community for canned food items. Please leave your donations on your porches for contact free pick up or drop off items in the entry way of the high school. We appreciate your donations to help us meet the Thrivent challenge of collecting 500 items. Thank you!
The Battle Creek One-Act had a strong performance today at the Mid-State Conference competition in West Point.
Below is the link for the junior high wrestling meet for anyone who can not attend. Start time is 4:30.
Here's the link to the junior high girls basketball game in Plainview for anyone who can not attend.
It's Conference Championship Day!! Best of luck to our One-Act cast, crew, and coaches as they head to West Point today for the Mid State Conference One-Act Competition!
Information for today's JH BB game at Plainview.
Thank you to State Troopers Trinity Jones & Tyler Mann for coming to BCPS today to speak to our students about their military experience for Veteran's Day. BCPS thanks you and all Veterans for their service and sacrifice! Happy Veteran's Day!
Check out this BCPS tribute to our veterans! Thank you for your service! Happy Veterans Day!
Battle Creek Public Schools will have a 10:00 AM late start this morning, Wednesday, November 11, 2020. Busses will run where possible. No Preschool.
Battle Creek Public Schools will not be running bus routes at the end of the day today, Tuesday, November 10, 2020. No after school activities
Today's JH wrestling meet has been postponed. We are looking at options for Thursday and will post information when we know more.
The Battle Creek Junior High Can Food Drive is November 9th-16th. There will be a no contact donation box between the front doors of the high school. The items will be donated to the Battle Creek Lions Club to distribute to those in need right here in Battle Creek!
Tuesday’s JH wrestling meet: start time moved to 4:30. Immediate family/Household members only up to 4 per athlete. Masks required.